What's it all about?

this is my blog about luck, love, career and fashion. the most important aspects of a young woman's life... not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Nan's Crackerjack Café and Milkshakes (2)

The last titbit of this chapter. I may consider not letting on too much about my book from now, so that you will be keen to buy it when/if it gets published ;)
“Riza! Hey! Wow! What’s up? Good news?” Lily spluttered and muffled through Riza’s coat and hair. “The BEST news!” Riza beamed as she stepped back and smiled at Lily. “But I’ll tell you when Natty is here.” She tore off her coat and threw it over one of the chairs. Riza was wearing a typically colourful and wonderful outfit with all shades of purple and pink. Lily loved Riza to pieces. They had met at University and had since been inseparable: soul mates tied at the waist. Except for the time after Stuart. But Stuart was a long story and Lily was never in the mood to tell it. After Stuart, Lily had spent a while in Berlin. She had always wanted to visit her roots in Germany and Berlin had been a great city. But she had missed Riza and Natty and her quaint English village life (well, it wasn’t that quaint but Lily loved wellies, English gentlemen and tea and scones and that all counted as quaint for Lily) and so she had returned. 
Riza was already diving into a full-blown story about her love life as they both saw Natty fighting her way through the crowd. “Alright? Do you mind movin’ a bit, love? This place is big enough for the both of us!” Ah yes, Natty loved to brawl. Lily and Natty had met at the Hard Rock Café on a particularly rocky night with goths, punks and all sorts. Natty was off her face drunk and had complimented Lily on her totally out of place head to toe white outfit amongst a sea of black leather and PVC (and the fact that Lily was not wearing a bra!). They had swapped numbers and been close ever since. 
“Hello Lovelies. God it’s full in here today: nightmare! And d’ya think I’d find a parking place when I’m wearing my Miu Miu’s and it’s bleeding knee deep in snow out there. Of course not! I had to walk ten minutes from the car. What a sodding winter!”
And so the afternoon with the ladies began.

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