What's it all about?

this is my blog about luck, love, career and fashion. the most important aspects of a young woman's life... not necessarily in that order.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas is nigh... (4)

Following on from Christmas is nigh... (3):
“Let me get you a cup of coffee… Or do you want to have a shower? I’ll make you a cup of coffee while you shower if you like? Here; I’ll help you up the stairs but then you’ll have to do the rest. I’ll grab you a towel too.” 
Before Marie could protest Brian had pulled her arm over his shoulder and helped her to her feet. He was unaware of the bewildered look on her face and as Marie realised this she wrapped her other arm around his neck. Her body breathed in his scent and she felt warm with love. 
Standing under the shower she let the hot water run over her face as her thoughts bounced around her mind. Surely he wouldn’t have let me stay the evening in his house if he didn’t want me here. Then again he wouldn’t have sent me home. He looks so incredible. She felt even the thought of suddenly being so close to him, after such a long time of wanting to be, make her stomach jump. The shower felt so refreshing and she felt herself humming ‘silent night’ to herself as she heard him outside the door. 
“Marie? I’ve put a t-shirt and some training bottoms here for you and a jumper.” 
“Thank you,” she mumbled back, clutching her arms to her bare chest in protection; from what she did not know. 
As she pulled on the t-shirt and bottoms she smelt him all over her. It was too familiar to be true and she choked down a few tears in the fear it would all be over soon. That she had got this far was already incredible. 
Brian was busy in the kitchen as she padded down the steps. There was a brightly decorated Christmas tree in the corner of the living room and there were presents underneath; both of hers too. 
“It looks lovely. Erm… I probably should explain why I’m here.” 
“You probably should.” He replied, without looking up, as she watched him sternly chopping potatoes. She felt a cold chill down her back. 
“I… I’ve moved to Germany.” 
“I know.” 
“I’ve been really busy and that… I’ve… No. I’m sorry. I’m doing it already. I’m talking around what I actually want to say.” 
“So what do you actually want to say?” 
Marie looked around the kitchen as the cool of his voice spread over the warm memories the room had for her. She looked towards the door where she had watched him wash mud off her shoes after the walk along the canal. She smiled at how they had stood by the counter and kissed. Then she breathed in and remembered that was not where she was now. So much had changed since then; so much had happened. Valentine’s Day had been unique that year and it hadn’t been the same since. 
“I… Can I be honest?” 
“I expect that.” 
Her stomach dropped. This was it. She had known to expect this. The final tear at the wound. The final moment that was going to end everything. He had found his way and she had lost her part in his life. She was the past and he was still her future. She would have to learn to leave him behind.

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