What's it all about?

this is my blog about luck, love, career and fashion. the most important aspects of a young woman's life... not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Love to Live

What do we live for? 
Not to die, not to be unhappy; so to live? 
We live to live? 
We live to be happy? 
We're happy to live? 
We live to love? 
We love to live? 
We live to love life or love? 
We live for memories of a happy life. 
We won't ever achieve anything other than nostalgic post-modernity. 
A face, a smile, words, moments. 
Even in the present a reminder of the past. 
I live to love the life that I live. 
It's only love I could live for. 
And so this life I have to love. 
There is no way to live. 
But there is a way to love. 
Love like you live; entirely.

"When I saw you I fell in love. And you smiled because you knew."
Arrigo Boito

English Man in New York

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