What's it all about?

this is my blog about luck, love, career and fashion. the most important aspects of a young woman's life... not necessarily in that order.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Friends, Gabba and Cosy Nights...

Following on from Friends, Homes and other Stuff...:
To say it looked like a bomb had hit it would be an insult to the bomb because it was far worse. There were clothes strewn over the floor, plates and cups randomly placed around the living room. There were egg cartons pinned against the wall in a long-lost effort to soundproof the room. As Fraser was a passionate painter and artist you would stumble upon really good pieces hidden under women’s underwear, stacks of unopened bills and other random unidentifiable objects. Lily wondered sometimes why he didn’t sell his paintings or do something with his talent. But she had long given up trying, as had Matt and apparently also Fraser himself.“Well, I’m hitting the town tonight. Not sure whether my unemployed money is on yet but should be a blast. Wicked night yesterday too; fell asleep on a couch in the club. At one point round six in the morning I got my wallet nicked but then it was great sounds til midday. Had a nice long sleep and now I just gotta think about where I’m gonna eat something…” he trailed off and started rifling through his pockets. “Oh yeah, they nicked my wallet. Oi Matt, can I use your phone? I just need to call my sis, yeah?”Matt looked at Lily who rolled her eyes and went about tidying the rest of the flat like she always did when she was slightly peeved and didn’t know what to do with herself.
Matt somewhat reluctantly gave Fraser the phone and stroked Lily’s back affectionately. “I really should start charging him per minute, huh?” Lily relaxed, smiled and enjoyed it as her heart melted a little. Matt was such a sweetheart. And he always had a way to make her laugh. “Tonight we’ll have a cosy night, ok? Just you and me. I’ll cook something nice and we’ll have a glass of wine. Ok?” Matt stopped her tidying and wrapped her in his arms. It was great having a man taller than her, Lily thought, it always made her feel so safe. “Ok,” she whispered into his chest.“Thanks mate, there you go.” Fraser appeared at the door with the phone in hand. “I’m gonna head off now. You don’t have ten quid you can lend me right?” Matt felt Lily tense again and rubbed her softly over her back. “No mate, afraid not,” Matt said, ushering Fraser out the door.“Bye Fraser!” Lily shouted after him, finally stopping her mad tidying frenzy. She caught herself gazing at Matt dreamily. “Why are you looking at me like that? It almost makes me think you like me…” Matt slowly slid his arms around Lily’s waist and tenderly kissed her forehead. “Maybe I do like you, just a little bit,” she swooned back. They both laughed and simultaneously giggled, “I hate soppy couples!” Just as they were about to kiss they heard it. “Oh no… not again.” Lily sighed. From next door they could hear their neighbours wonderful taste in music hammering through the wall. The music genre was called gabba they had recently found out and it was a mixture of death metal and hardcore thumping. Basically, the music got your heart racing and your fists in a rage. “That’s it,” Matt let go of Lily and grabbed his house key, “I’m going over there. You call the police.” Lily watched him storm out the flat. “Ouh,” she said out loud. That definitely didn’t mean it would be a cosy, lovely night. Oh, how she hated her life sometimes. It was nine o’clock in the evening, they hadn’t been food shopping and they would have to wait for the police to come and interview them before they got anything done. Nevertheless, Matt and Lily always tried to end a bad day well. And so Lily told Matt about her day and watched him squirm with laughter as they finally sat down for dinner at ten o’clock.

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