What's it all about?

this is my blog about luck, love, career and fashion. the most important aspects of a young woman's life... not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What a Week!

So, it was a shorter week but a bleedin long one all in all.
Lots of work, lots of challenges and not enough time for me or anyone else I care about really.
My head is cram-packed with new thoughts about so many things. Work, future and everything that goes with it.
So I've been trying to distract myself by reading trashy novels and lo and behold it's been workin!!
Lots of lovely stories about other people's lives (or women's more precisely) that have led me into their world and taken the pressure out my own!
That's just about it. Head whizzing with things and distraction beckoning from every corner!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Furore of Angel's Wings

(Love and what it does to you...)

Aurora whispers;
my thoughts overcast
eyes in a cold sweat
blanket in starry Utopia.

Hands conducting
brazen-mouthed queues
shorn with ether
as a zephyr whitewashes my lips.

Fish out of water
in the womb of time;
struck with inspiration.

Frosted flashes
of familiarity
faltering in flight;
fastened to fatigue.

Inners sigh. Gasp!
Exhilaration grins in malice
patience persists
heart docks at dew point.

Nerves effervescent
Setting sun submissive;
selfish in vacuum.
A night taints my flesh.

A melancholic smile
for you, love.

Light Faith...

… she whispers,
hands clasped in musing;
lightly creasing
with feet
in twinned ruby purrs.

… she beckons,
eyes bathed dormant;
whilst lips veiled
in shredded
sleepless cloud
umbrella agape rupture;
livid with windows and
spry in coloured promise.

… she smiles,
day breezy on stars;
toes blazon plum twinkles
holding honey hands
in stitched unity;
brushing in bold life.

… she sings,
sketching memories
thick with small hours;
light in black earnest;
knotted in faith;
apprehensive in chest
and word-painting in ripe breath.

… she believes.
And I, adhering to,
light in faith pray to
so circled in silhouette;
so saturated in giving.

Light faith
I thank
for the one that is two;
for the us that is
you and me.

Copyright: Lisa B.

Dict:: LOVE\ˈləv\ -- (a score of zero in tennis or squash; "it was 40 love")


The heavens kissed the earth goodnight
And the birds tucked their heads in for rest
The world was at peace at the end of a day
That had dawned not just becoming, but best.

Strewed sun, tints and totters
nimbly over a smooth beam;
Complacent and cosy
on my unclouded air.

What burst definition or decline
could part this good deed
the heavens have so fruitfully
moulded into tailored élan?

Unrestrained warmth penetrates;
charms my husk.
Keen, faltering vigour
lazes into my daring core.

Censure maimed by reveries.
All question tapped.
A new attire for a season
so unkempt…
A replenished life
splays itself before me;
drowsy with faithfulness.

An embrace so ardent;
stirring eternal skies.
A token of delight.
An illustration of radiance.

Ruthless smiling;
The sun shone truly
and reached into my all.

The heavens kissed the earth goodnight
And the birds tucked their heads in for rest
The world was at peace at the end of a day
That had dawned not just becoming, but best.

Copyright: Lisa B.

Welcome. To me.

So... Here I am. It's taken a while to get the whole layout malarkey done with and I have to say I'm still a virgin to it and apart from making a couple layout colours different and addin some fish: I haven't been all too successful! Although that might also have something to do with the fact that my man is feeling neglected and is dancing around infront of me wanting attention! Dog... But hey-TV's on and it's somewhat sunny outside so all in all- it's a good day.
So? A blog...
Right-yes. Well, what better way to pack all my thoughts online and create a virtual diary (that everyone can read!). Well- I've never been one to hide things or lie.
And I've always wanted to write (and have a whole pile of notes and scribbles that I seriously have to type up and post).
So people: this is the beginning of something wonderful (nah- just joking). It's the beginning of me pouring my heart out for the whole world to read... (crazy, what it's all come to nowadays!).
But honestly? If noone in the real world wants to hear it- then virtual world, here you go!
Hope to get feedback and tips from all you experienced bloggers and looking forward to you all!
Have a lovely day, Lisa :)