The heavens kissed the earth goodnight
And the birds tucked their heads in for rest
The world was at peace at the end of a day
That had dawned not just becoming, but best.
Strewed sun, tints and totters
nimbly over a smooth beam;
Complacent and cosy
on my unclouded air.
What burst definition or decline
could part this good deed
the heavens have so fruitfully
moulded into tailored élan?
Unrestrained warmth penetrates;
charms my husk.
Keen, faltering vigour
lazes into my daring core.
Censure maimed by reveries.
All question tapped.
A new attire for a season
so unkempt…
A replenished life
splays itself before me;
drowsy with faithfulness.
An embrace so ardent;
stirring eternal skies.
A token of delight.
An illustration of radiance.
Ruthless smiling;
The sun shone truly
and reached into my all.
The heavens kissed the earth goodnight
And the birds tucked their heads in for rest
The world was at peace at the end of a day
That had dawned not just becoming, but best.
Copyright: Lisa B.